About Us
We would like to extend a warm welcome as you peruse our website. The Jefferson Davis County School District is nestledin the heart of Southern Mississippi within a thirty-minute drive to most metropolitan areas (i.e. Hattiesburg, Columbia, Magee, Brookhaven and Collins). Our district serves approximately 1400 students with elementary schools in both the Prentiss (J. E. Johnson Elementary) and Bassfield Zones (George Washington Carver Elementary) and one high school for the entire county (Jefferson Davis County High School). We have experienced academic gains on our statewide accountability model (MAPP) as well as the national ACT examination with our high school being identified by National ACT for being amongst only a few high schools with highest growth in the state of Mississippi.
As safety and instruction are our top priorities "Where Children Come First", we have completed an extensive renovation project where doors, windows, security monitors and surveillance systems, restrooms, and painting were upgraded to enhance all campuses. We have partnered with external consultants and extended our curriculum and instruction department with additional staff to provide additional support to our teachers and increase rigor through teacher efficacy rendering higher student achievement. We are proud of these gains and will continue to work towards other advancements in our district. You are invited to partner in the learning experience of our children. Please accept this open invitation to visit our schools and become active volunteers.
If you have questions about our school district, please contact us.
Jefferson Davis County School District
P.O. Box 1197 1025 Third Street
Prentiss, MS 39474
Phone: 601-792-2738
Fax: 601-792-2251