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Jefferson Davis County School District

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Social and Emotional Learning


Phone: 601792



Ms. Tricialyn Johnson

About Us

The district Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Team Specialists are part of the Learning Services Department  Student Success Team.

Our Mission: 

The Jefferson Davis County School District promotes a rigorous, safe, and nurturing environment in which students are empowered to achieve their full intellectual and social potential by combining high standards, discipline, and character education, with a commitment to individualism, creativity, and diversity as students prepare to contribute to our global society.

Our Vision: 

We’re creating a culture where social and emotional learning can thrive while providing individuals with a safe place for students of all ages to excel. 

Helpful tips for social stability for parents and students. 

"How to Assist in Building A Scholar's Discipline and Focus".

  1. Set a good example. (Children are very observant, and they imitate what they see. If you want them to be disciplined, make sure that you set a good example for them). 
  2. Provide structure. (Children need structure so that they can focus on the task at hand without getting distracted by something else).
  3. Give positive feedback. (This helps build self-confidence in children, which encourages them to try harder next time. This eliminates them from giving up when things don't go as planned at first glance). 
  4. Help them set goals. (Setting goals can be a very effective way to learn how to manage their time and focus better).

These strategies are being implemented daily at Jefferson Davis County School District: positive attitudes, high expectations, and accountability! 

Jags are emotionally connected to excellence.