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Jefferson Davis County School District 2023-2024

                                       6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide &  Assessment Calendar 

ELA 6th GRADE 2023-2024 Assessment Calendar 


Projected Assessment Window 


August 14, 2023 - August 31, 2023 


November 27, 2023 - December 14, 2023 


May 20, 2024 - May 29, 2024 

ELS 1st Term DWA         

September 18, 2023 - September 22, 2023 

ELS 2nd Term DWA 

December 11, 2023 - December 15, 2023 

ELS 3rd Term DWA 

March 4, 2024 - March 8, 2024 


April 10, 2024 - May 12, 2024 

Jefferson Davis County School District 2023-2024

                 6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide &  Assessment Calendar 

6thGradePacing Guide Notes:  


* “Speaking and Listening Standards: All lessons.  This standard is addressed in each lesson through the rich, structured Talk discussions,” (Mississippi College-and Career-Readiness Standards Coverage by Ready Instruction).


Term 1

Days 1 - 2 Introduction, Rules, Rituals, and Routines 


College and Career Readiness Standard(s)

READY Unit & Lesson (Suggested Resources)




6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide &  Assessment Calendar 

ELA 6th GRADE 2023-2024 Assessment Calendar 


Projected Assessment Window 


August 14, 2023 - August 31, 2023 


November 27, 2023 - December 14, 2023 


May 20, 2024 - May 29, 2024 

ELS 1st Term DWA         

September 18, 2023 - September 22, 2023 

ELS 2nd Term DWA 

December 11, 2023 - December 15, 2023 

ELS 3rd Term DWA 

March 4, 2024 - March 8, 2024 


April 10, 2024 - May 12, 2024 



6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide &  Assessment Calendar

6th GradePacing Guide Notes:  


* “Speaking and Listening Standards: All lessons.  This standard is addressed in each lesson through the rich, structured Talk discussions,” (Mississippi College-and Career-Readiness Standards Coverage by Ready Instruction).


Term 1

Days 1 - 2 Introduction, Rules, Rituals, and Routines 


College and Career Readiness Standard(s)

READY Unit & Lesson (Suggested Resources)




Unit 1:  Key Ideas and Details in Informational Text

Determining Central Idea and Details

Week 1 


(Instructional Start 

RI.6.2 Determine a central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments. 


Unit 1, Lesson 1 iReady 


-Summarizing:  Literary Text 

5 days 

6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide &  Assessment Calendar 


Week August 8, 2022)


Days 1-2 

Expectations, Routines, 

Protocols, & 




Language: L.6.4a


Lesson 11:  Using Context Clues

20 minutes per lesson 

Writing Focus:  W.2


“Against All Odds” 1080L, 579 word count

Daily process writing

1 analytical 












Summarizing Informational Texts



Week 2

RI.6.2 Determine a central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments. 

Unit 1, Lesson 2 iReady 


-Summarizing Informational Text 

-Determining Central Idea of 

Informational Text 

-Identifying the Central Idea 

-Analyzing the Development of 

Central Ideas in Informational Text* 

5 days 

6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide & Assessment Calendar 



Language:  L.6.4.b

Lesson 12:  Greek and Latin Word Parts

20 minutes per lesson 

Writing Focus: W. 2

Writing Lesson-Unit 1: Informative

Based on the text “Spiders: In Pursuit of Prey” in 

Lesson 2; see the “Integrating Standards” questions for ideas about how to get students started.

You have read “Spiders: In Pursuit of Prey.” Write an essay that analyzes how the author uses compare and contrast in order to develop his central idea. Provide key details and examples from the passage to support your analysis. Your writing will be scored for development of ideas, organization, grammar, and mechanics. 

“Spiders” 900L, 706 word count

Daily process writing

1 analytical 





















6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide &  Assessment Calendar 







Citing Evidence to Make Inferences


Week 3

RI.6.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.   

Unit 1, Lesson 3 iReady Lessons

-Making Inferences from 

Informational Text 

-Supporting Inferences: Informational 


-Summarizing Informational Text 

5 days 

Language:  L.6.4c

Lesson 13: Using a Dictionary orGlossary

20 minutes per lesson 

Writing Focus: W. 2

“Looking for Loch Ness” 930L, 737 word count

1 analytical paragraph

6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide &  Assessment Calendar 



Analyzing Key Ideas in a Text


Week 4

RI.6.3 Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in a text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes). 

Unit 1, Lesson 4 iReady 


-Analyzing Development of Events 

-Analyzing How a Key Individual, 

Event, or Idea Is Developed in 

Informational Text 

-Analyzing Development of 


-Analyzing Individuals, Ideas, or 

Events in Informational Texts 

5 days 

Language:  L.6.4.c

Lesson 14:  Using a Thesaurus

20 minutes per lesson 



Writing Focus: W. 2


“Secrets of the Lost City” 990L, 744 word count 

1 analytical 





Key Ideas and Details in Literature



Citing Evidence to Make Inferences



6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide &  Assessment Calendar 



Week 5

RL.6.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. 

Unit 2, Lesson 5 iReady 


-Making Inferences from 

Informational Text -Supporting Inferences: 

Informational Text 


Informational Text -Citing Evidence: 

Informational Text -Determining Central Idea 

of Informational 


-Analyzing the 

Development of Central 

Ideas in Informational 


4 days 

Writing Focus: W. 3

A Sewing Sensation,”

930L, 643 word count

Daily process writing


Describing Plot

6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide & Assessment Calendar 


Week 6

RL.6.3 Describe how the plot of a literary text unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution. 

Unit 2, Lesson 6 iReady 


-Analyzing Character 


-Analyzing Plot 


-Analyzing Play Structure 

5 days 

Writing Focus: W. 3

Writing Lesson-Unit 2: Narrative

Based on the excerpt from Black Beauty in Lesson 6; see the 

“Integrating Standards” questions for ideas about how to get students started.

You have read a passage that tells a story from a horse’s point of view. Rewrite this story from John’s point of view. Provide key details and examples from the passages to develop your story. Your writing will be scored for development of ideas, organization, grammar, and mechanics. 







“Black Beauty” 950L, 820 word count

Daily process writing

1 analytical paragraph

6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide &  Assessment Calendar 








Analyzing Character Development



Week 7

RL.6.3 Describe how the plot of a literary text unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution. 

Unit 2, Lesson 7 iReady 


-Analyzing Character 


-Analyzing Plot 


-Analyzing Play Structure 

5 days 


6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide & Assessment Calendar 



Language:  L.6.3.a

Lesson 9:  Varying Sentence Patterns

20 minutes per lesson 

Writing Focus: W. 3

“Departure” 1040L, 693 word count

Daily process writing

1 analytical paragraph 


Determining Theme or Central Idea



Week 8

RL.6.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text based upon this determination. 

Unit 2, Lesson 8 iReady 


-Summarizing: Literary 


-Identifying the Theme 

5 days 

Language:  L.6.3.b

Lesson 10:  Consistency in Style and Tone

20 minutes per lesson 

Writing Focus: W. 3

“Vivian’s Move” 980L, 

732 word count

Daily process writing

1 analytical 




6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide &  Assessment Calendar 







Summarizing Literary Texts



Week 9

RL.6.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text based upon this determination. 

Unit 2, Lesson 9 iReady 


-Summarizing: Literary 


-Identifying the Theme 

5 days 



Writing Focus: W. 3

“The Magician’s Elephant”

920L, 718 word count

1 analytical 











6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide &  Assessment Calendar 



Term 2



Unit 3:  Craft and Structure in Informational Text



Determining Word Meanings:  Figurative, Connotative & Technical


Week 10

RI.6.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.  

Unit 3, Lesson 10 iReady Lessons -Determining Word 

Meaning Using Context 


-Identifying Word 


5 days 

Language:  L.6.5.a

Lesson 15:  Figures ofSpeech

20 minutes per lesson 

Writing Focus: Organization

“The Power of Music,”

1070L, 770 word count

Daily process writing

1 analytical paragraph


Analyzing Text Structures



6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide & Assessment Calendar 


Week 11

RI.6.5 Analyze how a particular sentence, paragraph, chapter, or section fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the ideas. 

Unit 3, Lesson 11 iReady Lessons

-Analyzing How a Key 

Individual, Event, or 

Idea Is Developed in 

Informational Text* 

-Analyzing How 

Components of 

Informational Text Fit 


-Analyzing Problem and 

Solution Text Structure Analyzing Compare and 

Contrast Text 


-Analyzing Cause and 

Effect Text Structure 


Chronological Text 


-Analyzing How 

Science Texts Are 


-Analyzing Individuals, 

Ideas, or Events in 

5 days 

6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide & Assessment Calendar 




Informational Texts* 


6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide &  Assessment Calendar 



Language: L.6.5.b

Lesson 16:

Relationships Between


20 minutes per lesson 



Writing Focus: Organization


“The Dead Sea Scrolls”

960L, 531 word count

Daily process writing

1 analytical paragraph

Week 12



5 days 












Determining Point of View



6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide &  Assessment Calendar 


Week 13

RI.6.6 Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and explain how it is conveyed in the text. 

Unit 3, Lesson 12 iReady Lessons -Determining Point of 

View and Purpose in 

Informational Text 

-Determining Author's 

Point of View 

5 days 

Language:  L.6.5.c

Lesson 17:

Denotation and


20 minutes per lesson 

Writing Focus: Organization

Writing Lesson-Unit 3: Informative

Based on the text “Flying Above the Water” in Lesson 12; see T.Ed. page 114 for ideas about how to get students started.

You have read “Flying Above the Water.” Write an essay that explains how the author uses connotative words to express his point of view. Provide key details and examples from at least two of the passages to support your analysis. Your writing will be scored for development of ideas, organization, grammar, and mechanics. 

“Flying Above the Water” 980L, 720 word count

Daily process writing

1 analytical paragraph

Week 14

Review  Standards RI.6.4, RI.6.6, W 6.3

Unit 3, Lessons 10, 12

5 days 

6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide &  Assessment Calendar 


Unit 5:  Integration of Knowledge and Ideas in Informational Text



Evaluating an Argument


Week 15

RI.6.8 Trace and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, distinguishing claims that are supported by reasons and evidence from claims that are not. 

Unit 5, Lesson 18 iReady 


-Evaluating Arguments in 

Informational Text 

-Evaluating Arguments 

-Evaluating Arguments in 

Informational Text 

-Analyzing Persuasive 


5 days 

Language:  L.6.1.c

Lesson 5:  Shifts in

Pronoun Numbers and Person

20 minutes per lesson 

6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide &  Assessment Calendar 



Writing Focus: W. 1

Writing Lesson-Unit 5: Argument

Based on the pro-con text in Lesson 18; see T.Ed. page 174 for ideas about how to get students started.

You have read a passage entitled “Longer School Day: Expanded Learning Time Pros and Cons.”  Which side of this argument is best supported by evidence? Write an argument essay that answers this question. Provide key details and examples from the passages to support your claim. Your writing will be scored for development of ideas, organization, grammar, and mechanics. 

“Longer School Day”

1080L, 551 word count

Daily process writing

1 analytical paragraph


Comparing and Contrasting Texts



Week 16

RI.6.9 Compare and contrast one author’s presentation of events with that of another (e.g., a memoir written by and a biography on the same person). 

Unit 5, Lesson 19 iReady Lessons Comparing and 

Contrasting an 

5 days 

6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide & Assessment Calendar 




Autobiography to a 


-Comparing an 

Autobiography to a 


-Analyzing How Different 

Authors Present the Same 



Language:  L.6.1.d

Lesson 6:  Correcting Vague Pronouns

20 minutes per lesson 

Writing Focus: W. 1


“Stan Lee” 1110L, 571 word count

“The Birth of Spider Man”

1110L, 562 word count

Daily process writing

1 analytical paragraph*

Week 17

Review  Standards RI.6.5, RI.6.6, RI. 6.7, RI.6.8, RI.6.9, W 6.1

Unit 3, Lessons 11-12

Unit 5, Lessons 18-19

Unit 5, Media Feature 1 






5 days 








6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide &  Assessment Calendar 


















Comparing and Contrasting Texts (Continued)


Week 18

RI.6.9 Compare and contrast one author’s presentation of events with that of another (e.g., a memoir written by and a biography on the same person). 

Unit 5, Lesson 19 iReady Lessons Comparing and 

Contrasting an 

Autobiography to a 


-Comparing an 

Autobiography to a 


-Analyzing How 

Different Authors 

5 days 


6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide & Assessment Calendar 



Writing Focus: W. 1


“Stan Lee” 1110L, 571 word count

“The Birth of SpiderMan” 1110L, 562 word count

Daily process writing

1 analytical paragraph* 


Term 3




Media Feature 1:  Integrating Information



Week 19

RI.6.7 Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue.  

W.6.6 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others; demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills.  

iReady Lessons Using Information from Different Media Sources to Investigate a Topic 

-Comparing and 


Information in Print to 

a Multimedia Presentation* 

Media Feature 1 Timed Writing (50 minutes): After reading, students complete the chart from page 206 in their books/ page 192 T.Ed. 

  • days
  • days Review


Daily process writing

6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide &  Assessment Calendar 



W.6.7 Conduct short research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources and refocusing the inquiry when appropriate. 

W.6.9 Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.   

Students then write a summary that synthesizes sources.

1 analytical paragraph




*Note: The directions ask for a summary. Work with your grade level team to develop instructions that result in a synthesis.

Student choice: Have students work in groups in order to complete one of the Additional Activities on page 191 of the T.Ed. 



6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide &  Assessment Calendar 



Language:  L.6.1.e

Lesson 7:

Recognizing and

Correcting Errors

20 minutes per lesson 


Unit 4:  Craft and Structure in Literature



Determining Word Meanings:  Figurative and Connotative


Week 20

RL.6.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone. 

Unit    4,         Lesson             13 iReady Lessons -Analyzing Word 


-Determining Word 

Meaning Using Context 


-Analyzing the Impact of Word Choice on Tone 

and Meaning in 


4 days 




-Examining Figurative 

Language in Literature 

-Exploring Figurative 



6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide & Assessment Calendar 



Language:  L.6.1.a

Lesson 1:  Subject andObject Pronoun

20 minutes per lesson 

Writing Focus: W. 2 Literary Analysis

Writing Lesson-Unit 4: Informative/Literary Analysis


need to see mentor essays, and they need the chance to plan more essays than they write.

This prompt is based on the excerpt from “To Build a Fire” in Lesson 

13;see the “Integrating Standards” questions for ideas about how to get students started.

You have read an excerpt from “To Build a Fire.” Write an essay that analyzes how the author develops the setting in order to advance the plot. Provide key details and examples from the passages to support your analysis. Your writing will be scored for development of ideas, organization, grammar, and mechanics. 




“To Build a Fire” 830L,

602 word count

Daily process writing

1 analytical paragraph

1 lit. analysis essayplan

Analyzing Word Choice



6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide &  Assessment Calendar 


Week 21

RL.6.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone. 

Unit 4, Lesson 14 iReady Lessons --Analyzing Word 


-Determining Word 

Meaning Using Context 


5 days 




-Analyzing the Impact of Word Choice on Tone 

and Meaning in 


-Examining Figurative 

Language in Literature 

-Exploring Figurative 



Language:  L.6.1.a

Lesson 2:  More About

Subject and ObjectPronouns

20 minutes per lesson 

6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide & Assessment Calendar 



Writing Focus: W. 2 Literary Analysis

“The Eyes Have It”

600L, 668 word count

Daily process writing

1 analytical paragraph

1 lit. analysis essay










Analyzing the Structure of a Poem



6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide &  Assessment Calendar 


Week 22

RL.6.5 Analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the theme, setting, or plot. 

Unit 4, Lesson 15 iReady Lessons

-Analyzing the Structure and Elements of Poetry 

-Analyzing Poetry 


-Analyzing Different 

Structures of Poetry Analyzing the Structure of Drama 

5 days 




-Identifying Theme in 




-Analyzing Character 

Development in 


-Analyzing Play 



Language:  L.6.1.a

Lesson 3:  PossessivePronouns

20 minutes per lesson 

6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide & Assessment Calendar 


Writing Focus: W. 2 Literary Analysis


Daily process writing

1 analytical paragraph

1 lit. analysis essay













Analyzing the Structure of Stories


6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide &  Assessment Calendar 


Week 23

RL.6.5 Analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the theme, setting, or plot. 

Unit 4, Lesson 16 iReady Lesson Analyzing How a Key 

Individual, Event, or 

Idea Is Developed in 

Informational Text* 

- Analyzing How 

Components of 

Informational Text Fit 


-Analyzing Problem and 

Solution Text Structure 

5 days 


6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide & Assessment Calendar 




-Analyzing Compare and Contrast Text 


-Analyzing Cause and 

Effect Text Structure 


Chronological Text 


-Analyzing How 

Science Texts Are 


-Analyzing Individuals, 

Ideas, or Events in 

Informational Texts* 


Language:  L.6.1.b

Lesson 4:  Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns

20 minutes per lesson 

6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide &  Assessment Calendar 



Writing Focus: W. 2 Literary Analysis

“Hatchet” 920L, 763 word count

Daily process writing

1 analytical paragraph

1 lit. analysis essayplan


Explaining Point of  View



Week 24

RL.6.6 Explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator or speaker in a text. 

Unit 4, Lesson 17 iReady Lesson

-Exploring Point of 

View in Literature 

4 days 




-Exploring Narrative 

Point of View 

-Analyzing Differing 

Points of View in 



6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide & Assessment Calendar 



Writing Focus: W. 2 Literary Analysis

“A Jar of Dreams”

1040L, 816 word count

Daily process writing

1 analytical paragraph

1 lit. analysis essayplan

Week 25

Review  Standards RL.6.4

Unit 4, Lessons 13-14 



5 days 






Integration of Knowledge and Ideas in Literature



Comparing and Contrasting Genres


6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide &  Assessment Calendar 


Week 26

RL.6.9 Compare and contrast texts in different forms or genres (e.g., stories and poems; historical novels and fantasy stories) in terms of their approaches to similar themes and topics. 

Unit 6, Lesson 20 iReady 


-Comparing Stories and 


-Comparing and 


Story Genres 

-Comparing and 


Literary Texts 

-Comparing and 

Contrasting an 

Autobiography to a 


5 days 


6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide & Assessment Calendar 



Writing Focus: Narrative and Argument Writing 

Lesson-Unit 6: Narrative and Argument

You have read an excerpt from “Before We Were Free” that tells the story of two sisters who must lie to protect their family. Write a new ending to this story, telling what happens once the girls are at school. Provide key details and examples from the passages to develop your story. Your writing will be scored for development of ideas, organization, grammar, and mechanics. 

You have read two literary passages that develop themes about courage: “Before We Were Free” and “Raven’s Song.” Which text best develops this theme: “Refusing to follow rules that harm people is an act of courage.” Write an argument essay that answers this question. Provide key details and examples from the passages to support your claim. Your writing will be scored for development of ideas, organization, grammar, and mechanics. 

“Before We Were Free”760L, 516 word count “Raven’s Song” 950L, 389 word count

Daily process writing 1 analytical paragraph

6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide &  Assessment Calendar 


Week 27  

RL.6.7 Compare and contrast the experience of reading a story, drama, or poem to listening to or viewing an audio, video, or live version of the text, including contrasting what they “see” and “hear” 

when reading the text to what they perceive when they listen or watch. 

iReady Lesson - Media 

Feature 2

-Using Information from 

Different Media Sources to 

Investigate a Topic 

-Comparing and 

Contrasting Information in 

Print to a Multimedia Presentation*

Media Feature 2

Adaptation: Until we see audio-visual items on MAAP, choose to compare stories/poems/drama to


  • days  
  • days Review


6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide & Assessment Calendar 




art work (paintings, sculptures, etc.)

Other options include matching familiar books with video clips. 

Use the MAAP Item Stems document to write openended RL 6.7 questions for students. 


Language:  L.6.2.a

Lesson 8:  PunctuatingParenthetical Elements

20 minutes per lesson 

6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide & Assessment Calendar 



Writing Focus: Narrative and Argument

Develop a prompt that requires students to compare the two versions (art and text) in order to discover how the poet and the artist use different literary and artistic elements in order to create specific meaning. 

Have students plan an essay. 

Daily process writing

1 analytical paragraph

Week 28 











Review Focus Standards based on data 


Week 29 

MAAP REVIEW -FOCUS STANDARDS  – Refer to Test Blue Print for Focus Standards 



6th Grade ELA Pacing Guide &  Assessment Calendar 






Week 30 

MAAP REVIEW -FOCUS STANDARDS  – Refer to Test Blue Print for Focus Standards 




Week 31 

MAAP REVIEW -FOCUS STANDARDS  – Refer to Test Blue Print for Focus Standards 




Week 32 

MAAP REVIEW -FOCUS STANDARDS  – Refer to Test Blue Print for Focus Standards 




Week 33 

MAAP REVIEW -FOCUS STANDARDS  – Refer to Test Blue Print for Focus Standards 




Week 34 

MAAP REVIEW -FOCUS STANDARDS  – Refer to Test Blue Print for Focus Standards 




Week 35 

MAAP REVIEW -FOCUS STANDARDS  – Refer to Test Blue Print for Focus Standards 




Week 36 

MAAP REVIEW -FOCUS STANDARDS  – Refer to Test Blue Print for Focus Standards