Academic Success
Office of Academic Success
Phone: 601-792-4888
Mr. Willie Armstrong
The mission of the Division of Operations is to facilitate the development and maintenance of a safe and secure learning environment where teacher efficacy is evident through student achievement. During this process, our office completes both internal audits and daily expectation drills to enhance student success through character building programs, effective communication techniques, and positive interactions with all stakeholders.
It is our desire to improve the atmosphere to ensure the quality of education provided is one that builds lifelong learners who will contribute to our society in a positive manner. This goal is essential because our students are our community’s most essential resource, our educators are the catalyst to our success, and our community serves as our cornerstone. Our division host the following focus points:
If additional information is desired in reference to the Office of Departy Superintendent, please contact Mr. Willie Armstrong at 601-792-4888.
- Operations this division helps to foster and ensure safe schools and protect the health and safety of all students through upgrading schools and improving school facilities. Facilities and Operations provides internal audits of facilities to maintains safe facilities by providing an on-going maintenance program that supports and request upgrades to our schools as needed as well as provide plans to improve any outdated facilities. Our division provides supporting role to all departments for the education of all students while actively communication with schools and administration on the needs of all facilities. This division also manages building improvements through capital improvement projects and renovations or additions while serving as the project inspector or manager for all building projects until completed. As a part of facilities, this office administers the use of facilities and fields and serves as an integral aspect of the designing of new facilities. In remaining complaint with all state regulations, this office fosters a working relationship with state and federal agencies to ensure compliance with all state and environmental regulations.